How Thena Finance Saved 30,000 Hours of User Wait Time with Domino

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Vincze Kalnoky

THENA, a decentralized finance protocol, faced a challenge. Their community engagement program on Zealy involved reviewing thousands of quests manually each month. Users often waited up to 24 hours for quest approvals. The process was time-consuming for the team and frustrating for users.

Enter Domino.

Within months of implementing Domino's automation tools, THENA saw dramatic improvements:

  • 30,000 hours of user wait time eliminated monthly
  • 2,500 quest claims automated per month
  • 20-30% increase in total quests offered
  • Multiple hours saved for the team each month

I recently spoke with Pantheon, who leads Zealy operations at THENA, to learn more about their experience with Domino.

The Challenge of Manual Reviews

"We were manually reviewing basically all of the quests," Pantheon explained. "Some quests were not as frequent to not burden us too much. But others were. For example, we were checking on-chain tasks manually from screenshots sent by the users"

Domino changed that. Now, THENA runs automated checks for many of their on-chain quests. They've expanded their quest offerings, particularly for on-chain activities.

"Domino really supports expanding it much further," Pantheon said. "Some of the on-chain quests have a lot of conditional logic. They check not only token holdings but if tokens have been staked or are in NFTs."

Improving User Experience

The impact on user experience has been significant. Previously, users might wait up to 24 hours for quest approvals. Now, many quests are verified instantly.

"We use it to save our time and make the customer experience better," Pantheon noted. "They can have easy one-click claims for advanced quests."

Intuitive and Responsive

The THENA team has found Domino intuitive to use, with responsive support when needed.

"You have responded very fast if there have been any issues," Pantheon said. "Any initial bugs have been fixed really quickly. Basically any feedback or improvement ideas have been either received very well or already implemented really fast."

Pantheon highlighted Domino's crypto billing support and quick integration of new features as factors establishing long-term trust.

Future Plans

Looking ahead, THENA plans to expand their use of Domino. They're exploring automations for liquidity positions and perpetual trading functions.

Advice for Others

"If you are looking to grow your Zealy operations, it's a no-brainer to start working with Domino," Pantheon advised. "It's guaranteed to enhance your process, save your time, and create a better quest experience."

For teams considering Domino, Pantheon's experience offers a clear message: automation can dramatically improve both team efficiency and user satisfaction. As Web3 communities continue to grow, tools like Domino are becoming essential for scaling engagement programs effectively.

To learn more about how Domino can automate your community engagement, visit

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