How P1 Studio Saved 20+ Hours Weekly with Domino's Quest Automation

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Vincze Kalnoky

P1 Studio, a digital agency specializing in Web3 community management, was struggling to efficiently create and manage Zealy quests for their growing client base. With over 25 active clients and onboarding 10+ new projects weekly, their team was overwhelmed by manual quest reviews and limited in the types of quests they could offer on Zealy.

Enter Domino — the automation platform that revolutionized P1 Studio's quest management capabilities.

"We're saving more than 20 hours per week with Domino," reports André Lemuel from P1 Studio. "For small projects, it's about 1–2 hours per day. And for larger projects like Borpa token, it saves a lot of time because it has a lot of quests."

The Challenge

P1 Studio manages community engagement campaigns for various Web3 projects, creating and monitoring quests on platforms like Zealy. Before Domino, they relied heavily on manual reviews and occasionally reached out to external developers for custom quests, leading to bottlenecks and limiting their service offerings.

"The old system is not so much productive," explains Lemuel. "You need to hire reviewers, and reviewers sometimes don't do a good job or fast reviewing."

The Solution

P1 Studio turned to Domino to automate their quest creation and management processes. The platform's versatility allowed them to expand their service offerings, particularly in the realm of on-chain quests across multiple blockchain networks.

"For now, we at P1 Studio are specializing in socialfi tools and creating and launching them for our current clients," Lemuel explains. "Domino was and is very useful because we can push it for all the clients."

Immediate Impact

The impact of implementing Domino was immediate and significant:

  • Time Savings: P1 Studio now saves an average of 1–2 hours daily on smaller projects and up to 3–4 hours daily on larger projects like Burpa token.
  • Expanded Services: The agency can now offer a wider range of quest types, including complex on-chain quests across multiple networks.
  • Improved Client Satisfaction: Faster delivery and more diverse quest options have led to increased client satisfaction and referrals.

"We work with several companies on projects in the Web3 space," Lemuel notes. "Creating automations, creating quests — Domino really broadcasts and just skyrocketed our current work with clients."

A Client Success Story

Lemuel shared a specific example of how Domino's capabilities led to repeat business:

"We worked with a project called TideFlow," Lemuel explains. "They wanted to create a quest that required users to stake tokens using their platform on the Blast network. The TideFlow team had struggled to set this up before."

He continues, "Using Domino, we easily created this on-chain quest in Zealy. It was a game-changer for TideFlow."

The impact was significant. "Just last week, the TideFlow team reached out again. They want us to create similar automated quests for a new project they're launching," Lemuel adds. "That's the power of Domino — it opens doors to new opportunities."

This success story illustrates how Domino's automation capabilities not only save time but also open up new business opportunities for agencies like P1 Studio.

Challenges and Future Improvements

While P1 Studio has seen significant benefits from using Domino, Lemuel also provided constructive feedback on areas for improvement, particularly around user experience for less technical users.

Looking ahead, Lemuel envisions an even more intuitive platform: "I imagine if you have an AI on Domino that I just write 'I need some automations for this.' That would be the perfect future."

The Bottom Line

For P1 Studio, Domino has become an indispensable tool in their quest management toolkit. It has allowed them to save time, expand their service offerings, and deliver better results for their clients.

"The main benefit is delivering quality services for clients," Lemuel summarizes. "If we build it fast and deliver fast, the client will be happy. That's the cool part of this."

If you're an agency or project looking to streamline your quest management and unlock new possibilities for community engagement, Domino might be the solution you've been searching for. Visit to learn more and start your automation journey today.

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