How Lak3 Saved 14+ Hours Per Week Managing Their Community Campaign

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Vincze Kalnoky

Lak3, a blockchain project building a worldwide water trading platform, was struggling to manage their growing community of over 23,000 members. With thousands of daily quest submissions to review, their moderation team was overwhelmed.

Enter Domino — the automation platform that transformed Lak3’s community management.

“We’re saving at least 14 hours per week with Domino,” says Kiter, who manages Lak3’s moderation team and community campaigns. “And that’s a conservative estimate.”

The Challenge

Lak3 runs an extensive community campaign on Zealy, a popular engagement platform. Members complete quests like sharing tweets or creating content about Lak3 to earn rewards.

But reviewing thousands of submissions manually was time-consuming and error-prone. Duplicate entries and rule violations slipped through. The moderation team struggled to keep up.

“Before Domino, we had to check everything manually,” Kiter explains. “It was impossible to catch everything in real-time. We’d have to review data retroactively, which took hours and hours.”

The Solution

Domino allowed Lak3 to automate much of their quest review process. The platform checks for duplicate submissions, validates user data, and flags potential violations automatically.

“Now we can guarantee submissions are correctly reviewed,” says Kiter. “Instead of hoping we caught all the issues, we know for sure.”

Key results include:

  • 10–30% of submissions automatically flagged for issues
  • Mods freed up to focus on high-value community engagement
  • New, more complex quest types now possible
  • Real-time monitoring instead of retroactive reviews

“It opened up a world of possibilities,” Kiter notes. “We can now run quests that were impossible before.”

Improved Mod Morale

The Lak3 team reports a significant boost to moderator morale. Automating repetitive tasks allows mods to focus on more engaging work.

“It’s been amazing for the team,” Kiter says. “They can check for actual content instead of tedious edge cases. Everything is less monotonous now.”

This improvement extends to the community as well. With mods able to create more interesting quests, members stay more engaged with Lak3’s product and vision.

Reliability and Support

For Kiter, a key concern was reliability. “We needed something always-on, not a service with frequent downtime,” he explains.

Domino delivered. “It’s been absolutely perfect,” Kiter states. “Any issues we’ve had were quickly resolved with great support from the Domino team.”

He particularly appreciates Domino’s responsiveness to user feedback. “They’re always adding new features and asking for our input. It’s a very dynamic, adaptive platform.”

Looking Ahead

Lak3 plans to expand their use of Domino as they launch their blockchain platform. They’re exploring options to monitor smart contract interactions and automate community alerts.

“There’s so much potential,” Kiter says. “Domino keeps evolving with our needs.”

Advice for Others

When asked what he’d say to others considering Domino, Kiter is emphatic: “Try it out. There’s so much you can do — I’m sure there’s something that would make your life easier.”

He highlights Domino’s intuitive interface and wide range of integrations as key advantages. “Compared to alternatives like Zapier, it feels much more intuitive,” Kiter notes.

For projects running Zealy campaigns in particular, Kiter sees Domino as essential. “There’s a lot of cheating in these campaigns. Domino helps you weed out farmers and protect the value you’re offering your community.”

In an ecosystem where community engagement is critical, Domino has become an indispensable tool for Lak3. By automating tedious tasks, it allows the team to focus on what matters most — building meaningful connections with their members and advancing their ambitious vision for the future of water trading.

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