Do more with Domino AI

Domino lets anyone build on top of Domino AI. Create notifications, trading automations or automated workflows - no coding required.

Domino AI

Start With Domino AI
Templates Built By The Team

Domino lets you do more with Domino AI, thanks to Automations built on top of it. Get started with one of the pre-made Templates with just a couple of clicks

Review Zealy Quest: High-Quality Reply to a Tweet
Enhance engagement by verifying thoughtful Twitter replies using AI assessments.
Review Zealy Quest: Instagram Follow
Automatically verify Instagram profile follows for Zealy quests using AI image analysis
Review Zealy Quest: Check User's Tweet with GPT-4
Enhance your project's visibility by ensuring authentic and relevant Twitter engagement using AI assessments.
Review Zealy Quest: High-Quality Raid Comment on a Tweet
Ensure engaging and genuine Twitter interactions with AI-driven validation.
Review Zealy Quest: Personal Story with Project X Post
Enhance community engagement by validating personalized Twitter content about Project X.
Review Zealy Quest: Engage with High-Quality Quote Tweet and Reply
Automatically validate high-quality user interactions on Twitter through AI-enabled assessments.
Review Zealy Quest: High-Quality Tweet Reply with Tags
Ensure genuine and thoughtful Twitter interactions by validating replies with AI-powered analysis.
Review Zealy Quest: CoinMarketCap Watchlist
Seamlessly validate CoinMarketCap watchlist quests using AI image analysis.
Review Zealy Quest: Dune Favourites
Effortlessly validate Dune board favourites with AI-powered image analysis.
Raid Character Generator Admin 1
Bring futuristic characters to life with our Discord-integrated character generator.
Review Zealy Quest: Reddit Join
Automatically verify user participation in Reddit communities for Zealy quests using AI analysis
Review Zealy Quest: Add Coin to CoinGecko Portfolio
Effortlessly validate CoinGecko portfolio additions using AI-driven screenshot analysis.

Supported Triggers & Actions

Automations are the core of Domino. Each Automation consists of a trigger and actions. A trigger is an event that starts an Automation, and an action is an event the Automation performs.

About Domino AI
Perform AI tasks with Domino

Automations for every community

Domino Lets Anyone
Build Easy Web3 Automations

Do more with your dApps without technical skills or a coding know-how. Domino makes it easy to build and share new functionality for protocols, no matter if you're part of the team or the community!

App screenshot
Mobile Notifications
Stay updated with real-time notifications for any on-chain protocol, across any channel, ensuring you're always informed about important updates or opportunities.
Trading Orders
Use Stop Loss, Take Profit and Limit order automations for your protocol of choice.
Leverage Up or Down
Use an Automation to leverage up and down on lending platforms, without having to manually loop transactions each time.
NFT Bidding and Listing Bots
Use Automations for bidding and listing NFTs, and get a real edge by outbidding or undercutting others.
Create Yield Farms
Link up compatible dApps to create your own yield farm. Stake LP tokens from one platform into the other to earn boosted yields
Auto-compund Vaults
Use automations to auto-compound earnings in non-auto-compounding vaults, thus maximizing returns on autopilot.

Level Up Your dApps

Start using Domino in minutes. Use automations created by the others or build your own.

App screenshot